Iredell County Real Estate Market Comparison

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Today, we're going to take a quick look at the Iredell County real estate market. Specifically, we'll compare this year's market to 2014 from January through August.

In 2014 the actual number for closed residential residences was 1,494 units that closed. In 2015, we had 1,584 units close. That's 90 more units than last year, which means that the market is a bit better than last year.

The average sales price in 2014 was $268,000. In 2015, it is still $268,000. If you break this number down based on what area you are in, that number will definitely change.

As for days on market, in 2014, it took 138 days for a home to sell. This year, the number went down to 103. You would much rather have your home sold in 30 days, but on average, it's taking 103 days.

It's critical to understand that these numbers cover the entire county, and may not apply to you individually. You have to look at pricing, the condition of your home, and what things you need to do to improve your home and make it the most competitive home on the market.

If you have any questions, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!

How to Get the Most Value Out of a Home Inspection

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Today is part three of our series about home inspections. Inspections are highly valuable to the buyer, and they're important to the entire process of purchasing real estate. I'm going to continue to list off ways that you can prepare for an inspection.

1. Trim the vegetation around the property: The inspector will want to walk around the home, and clearing any overgrown bushes will help the inspector and it will speed up the process.

2. Remove any wood debris:
You'll need to remove debris from your deck and your crawlspace.

3. Pay attention to moisture in your crawlspace: This can lead to serious problems in the future, so be sure to thoroughly inspect that area of your home. We're seeing more and more issues arise from this, and more and more buyers are expecting homeowners to have a moisture barrier.

4. Clean mold and mildew in your bathrooms:
Mold and mildew are just unsightly, and they can be removed easily. Take the extra time and get rid of it before the inspector sees it.

5. Clean your gutters: 
Dirty gutters don't leave a very good impression on your inspector, or on potential home buyers.

Hopefully you find these tips to be valuable. Getting ready for a home inspection is important if you want to improve your home before selling. One of the more important things that you can do before an inspection is to simply communicate with your home inspector to find out exactly what's wrong and how you can fix it.

If you have any further questions about this, or about Iredell County real estate in general, please don't hesitate to contact me!