Is the Iredell Market Favoring Buyers or Sellers?

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I wanted to take a look at the issue of housing inventory and what it means to you as a buyer or seller of a home in Iredell County.

If we've got too much supply - indicated by a lot of houses sitting on the market for sale for a long time - it tells you that we're in a buyer's market, because the longer it sits, the more the value is affected negatively. If houses are selling quickly, it means that there are more buyers out there. Low inventory can lead to multiple offer situations on your home when you sell, and this allows sellers to get the most money possible. Buyers have to hustle!

Buyer and seller markets can even vary by neighborhood.

What we like to see is a normal buyer-seller market, where there is enough inventory out there to get competitive prices for sellers, and there are enough qualified buyers willing to pay market value. You'll find that inventory is fluctuating all the time. We can actually have different parts of the country that vary greatly between a buyer’s market and a seller’s market, and it can also happen within the same county. Even in the Iredell County real estate market you'll find pockets where it is a seller's market and pockets where it is a buyer's market. It can even boil down to neighborhoods.

That's why you need access to this data when you're pricing your home as a seller or considering an offer as a buyer. That's exactly the reason why you need to work with a professional real estate agent.

For help in Iredell County, we'd love to do business with you. Give us a call or reply to this email, and let's talk soon!