Be Aware—My Email Was Hacked Recently

My email was hacked recently, so if you get an email with a request for a Dropbox document or a business document, do not open it.

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In this day and age of high technology, we have access to a lot of information at the touch of our fingertips. Because of this, we’re facing new kinds of crimes relating to fraud, misrepresentation, and theft. 

You may have received an unusual email from me recently asking you to open a Dropbox document or some kind of business document. The truth is, my email was hacked, and the hacker’s purpose was an elaborate scheme to steal the closing proceeds of the seller. The hacker made changes to my email address and the client’s email address. They also made changes to the signature information at the bottom of my emails—you have to hunt to find it. Another thing they changed was the last two digits of my cell phone number. 

Due to the efforts of figuring this out very quickly and the attorney and both banks cooperating, we were able to foil their scheme to steal these funds. About five days after this started, the client received all of their proceeds back. 

That’s the good news. The bad news is that you’ve been receiving a lot of strange emails from me. I know this is an aggravation and inconvenience, and I want to apologize to you for that. I also want you to be aware that if you get a request for a Dropbox document or a business document, do not open it. Delete the email.
I know this is an aggravation and inconvenience, and I want to apologize to you for that.
If you pay attention to the email address, you’ll notice that the hacker is sending everything out under an account, which I don’t even have. Also, my real cell phone number is (704) 252-1089. The false cell phone number the hacker gave out actually belongs to another person who’s been very nice and helpful in resolving this issue. 

We’ve changed the passwords of many of our accounts multiple time since this was discovered in order to prevent these hackers from gaining any access to our information. If you receive an email from me, check the address it’s coming from—mine is In addition to my authentic cell phone number listed above, you can also reach me at (704) 872-6443. 

We’re working with expert technical advisors about how to handle situations like this in the future, and both banks that were involved are doing the same. We’ve been very appreciative of their help. 

In the meantime, we’re looking at other options to increase security, including possibly changing our email address, so we will notify you if we do decide to change that. Thanks once again for your patience and understanding. 

If you have any more questions, give me a call or shoot me an email. We’d be glad to help you!