A Potential Septic Tank Issue for Iredell County Homeowners

Homebuyers are requesting septic tank inspections at a record rate. Here’s what you need to know about that as a homeowner.

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Today’s question is, “What should I know about selling my home when I have a septic tank?”

Septic tanks are very important, and there are a few things you need to know about them in regards to selling your home. Septic tanks are very traditional to our area. People are used to it here, and over the years homeowners never pumped their tanks out unless they had a problem with it. 

That’s changing for home sellers because buyers are now getting septic tank inspections. You may find that you need to make repairs to a tank or pump it out before you sell.

If you have a problem with your septic tank and Iredell County won’t issue you a repair permit, your only option is hooking up to the city sewer if it’s available.
More and more homebuyers are ordering septic tank inspections.
If a buyer is getting an FHA or a VA loan and you have a septic tank, someone will have to pay to get your home connected to the city sewer. It might be you.

Another thing that you need to know about your septic tank relates to your permit. Your tank is permitted for a number of bedrooms. If your permit is for three bedrooms but you have four, the MLS goes by the septic permit. That’s why it’s important that your permit is updated as soon as possible.That’s one of the first things a good agent will do. 

These are things that are important to you as a seller when you get ready to sell your home. If you have any other questions about septic tanks or real estate in general, give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.