6 Ways Sellers Can Take Advantage of Our Exciting Market

There are six tasks you need to remember to get a great offer on your home in today’s exciting, fast-paced market.

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The other day I was reading an email that a lender sent me titled “Fear Has Returned to the Market” and thought to myself, seriously? In today’s exciting, fast-paced, competitive market, it’s a lot different than it was from 2008 to 2011.

Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, now is a critical time to take advantage of our market and get your best offer as quickly as possible. How can you accomplish this if you’re a seller, though? Pay attention to the basics. There are six keys to remember:
  • Price your home to sell. Be competitive in your pricing. Buyers are shopping on the Internet 24/7, and they know what’s being sold and what’s under contract. Do what it takes to get them in your door.
  • Consider doing a pre-listing home inspection. If you have a problem, find it and fix it now. Don’t let it come up during the inspection process. If you can avoid a contract falling through over inspection issues getting fixed, it behooves you to do so.
  • Declutter. Get rid of all that old stuff sitting around that you don’t use and/or move the furniture around. Pack it up and put it in storage or just get rid of it. You want your home to look as big as possible, and decluttering accomplishes this effect.
Today’s market is nothing like how it was after the crash, and opportunity is there for you to take advantage of it.

  • Pay attention to the yard. First impressions are critical to buyers, and your home’s first impression starts with the yard. Let them know that your yard reflects how great your home looks on the inside too.
  • Make your home easy to show. Buyer’s agents have ready, willing, and able buyers, and they want to get into your home as soon as possible. Make it easy for them to get into your home, get it shown, and be able to explain its benefits and features. 
  • Take advantage of the help of a full-time real estate professional. They can help walk you through the process of listing your home and getting it on the market, getting a contract signed, and making sure you go to closing with money in your pocket.
If you have any questions about our current market, just give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!